Just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we too may walk in a new way of life. Romans 6:4

Rahab’s Rope is all about hope and a new way of life for women and children. We love it when we can follow up with women and children we have worked with and moved forward to a good place. Recently, we followed up with a girl, Debi, whose trafficking case we had worked and was able to place her in a Christian aftercare home. Debi now has a job sewing, thanks to the skills she learned while she was with us. The staff at the home helped her open a bank account and she is saving some of her money. She told our staff that she now feels safe and independent. She said she feels God has blessed her with a new life and that what she went through was for a purpose. She said she is very happy; she has a good place to live, a good job and they are helping her. Our staff will continue to visit Debi and encourage her in her new walk of life. 


Last week we received two thank you letters from students that we are sponsoring for school. These two young ladies will have a very different and new life from how they grew up. Thank you to all who support girls education!

Niki wrote, “Thank you so much for being so thoughtful and helping with my college fees. I am now in my 3rd year. I am honored, grateful and humbled that you are providing my school fees. Only because of you am I able to continue my studies. I will always be grateful for you and pray for you. Thank you.“

Esther wrote, “I really want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me with my education. I feel it is a miracle that you are helping me. Without you I don’t know how I would get through. I pray God will bless you for being so generous.”  

 These girls lives are being changed because of your generosity!

This past week, in the state aftercare home, we began a new vocational training program. Eight ladies were selected to learn how to make a tote bag from recycled plastic. Once the program is going well, we will add more women to the program. These are bags they can sell in the local market. The first group picked the craft up quickly. Learning these skills really gives women hope that they can have a good future. 

Thank you for joining us on this journey and all the ways you support the work of Rahab’s Rope!

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