Hope is such a powerful word!
It causes us to never give up.
Hope causes us to never give up. Today’s story is about a young woman who never gave up because she found Hope and Strength in the Giver of both. We will call her Laura.
Not too long ago we were at a partner aftercare home. We shared a Bible story and afterwards were praying with the women individually. A young lady asked me to pray for her, we will call her Laura. She wanted me to pray for her sick father. She has such a sweet, but sad face. I began asking her questions. When Laura was seven months pregnant her husband left her. Laura had a horrible job in a garment factory and didn’t earn enough money to support herself and her baby. Someone offered her a job in Mumbai making lots of money. In desperation, Laura accepted the job and left her baby, of two years old, with her mother. The job offer was fake, and she found herself trapped into forced prostitution. Laura was rescued a little over a year ago. She was brought to one of our partner aftercare homes where we have been praying for her and counseling her. She has been making one of our most popular bracelets, and saving her money in hopes of going home. Laura’s family has been contacted and she may go home soon. Join us in praying that Laura gets to go home to her family and especially her daughter and that they would be happily reunited after eleven years of separation. The plan for her return is in process. You can support Laura and many others like her by purchasing one of her bracelets or any other of the many products offered by Rahab’s Rope. All profits fund the services we provide for women and children. Thank You!